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We have smartened ourselves stupid.Everything comes full circle and I can see what we are leaving
behind by trading our hard work and brains for laziness and more time to be
busy chasing the things we want to buy that we so think we deserve. What
brought on this sudden epiphany you ask?I was grocery shopping today at the local Albertsons
and I stumbled across inflation. "How could one possibly poach an egg without a $20egg
poacher from Crate & Barrel?", I ask myself. The old proverb "Want Not, Waste Not"
has revealed itself today in Technicolor. A loaf of bread has now become a whopping
$4, chaussures puma and that is on sale.I ask myself, now how is a middle class family
living paycheck to paycheck with no savings and tons of expensive gadgets in their household
supposed to provide food on the table with these kinds of astronomical prices? How did
my grandparents do it?On a $1 a day pay and potato sacks for clothes, they
were much more resourceful than we are today. Trying to conserve is difficult whenI realize
I throw out more food than we actually consume.With inventions like the microwave oven come
the expense of microwaveable foods and astronomical health bills thesesodium loaded,artificial foods help cause.In our
house we nike tn have 4 TV's 2 VCR's, 2 DVD players, an X-Box that plays DVD's,
a Wii, 2 ipods, phones with Microsoft everything, 3 computers, but no time.At the rate
we are going our grandchildren won't be able to tie their own shoes without a
gadget to do it for them. If we can take a minute and get back
to the basics, the empty spaces we are trying to fill our lives with through
material accumulation will be filled with creativity and thought and this can be savored through
generations to come.Angela M. In trying to get back to basics I realized that we
have filled our lives with so many time stealing gadgets that mean nothing, and now
there is no room left for the valuable essentials that make life so meaningful. We
live in the age of technology.We (our generation) have gotten so technologically savvy as we
have masteredshortcuts, efficiency and convenience to an art form, we have also mastered to undo
generations of genius and tradition. There is always the next best, can't live without, gadget
that is waiting around the corner for us to need. We have been crippled by
gadgets that can do things faster and easier than our grandparents but we must make
enough money to buy them. Johnsonhttp://www.ocfunguide.com.
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