These types of exercise assist in creating higher power outputs of the muscles involved in the
golf swing. Many additional principles exist that are used as guidelines in the development of
a fitness program, but these are three essential ones.Outside of the guidelines governing the development
of a golf fitness program for woman. Learn how golf fitness exercises can benefit the
woman golfer. It is crucial to develop a range of motion in a dynamic rather
than a static (not moving) method. More power to the ball equals longer drives. The
exercises within a woman's golf fitness program induce a transfer of training effect onto the
course. The more power generated by the body, the greater speed at which a club
head impacts the ball. Much of this is contingent upon the ability of the core
to coil and uncoil during the swing. Golf fitness exercises can be beneficial for the
woman golfer in terms of improving the foundation of the swing, rotation in the backswing,
speed development in the downswing, and a consistent finish position. A golf fitness program for
women will look to enhance these physical components of the body. This process can be
repeated hundreds of times in a round of golf. The woman's professional player has the
same skeletal structure as the female amateur, and nervous system as well. The goal of
these exercises is to create a range of motion in the core for the golf
swing. Before discussing the specifics of a program for women it is necessary to understand
a few important principles. In order for the swing to be executed correctly and efficiently
certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required. As the player improves
their flexibility parameters in relation to the swing. We produce this through a series of
exercises developing endurance in the entire body. Golf exercises for the woman golfer are sports
specific. In summary, the three principles that assist in the development of a golf chaussures puma fitness
program for women are; sports specific, cross specificity training, and transfer of training effect. This
nets us a consistent swing through eighteen holes. Yes, the women on the LPGA Tour
are the best women golfers in the world, but the physiology of the LPGA player
and amateur are the same. The mechanics of the swing repeat with each stroke. Outside
the circles of professional players many questions exist about golf fitness exercises. The goal of
cross specificity training is a transfer of training effect to the field of competition. This
benefit is an example of a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. Simply
stated, a transfer of training effect is the ability of exercises utilized to train the
female golfer having a direct benefit on their performance on the course.For example, golf flexibility
exercises will attempt to improve the flexibility within the player. Developing higher levels of power
within the muscular system of the body is achieved through the implementation of power exercises.
The swing requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power to execute correctly.
The result is a more consistent, accurate, and powerful swing. Questions such as; what are
the best exercises to improve golf fitness levels, are flexibility exercises and stretches better than
other forms of golf fitness exercises, and what are the benefits of golf fitness exercises
for the woman golfer?These and many questions surround the topic of golf fitness. Lowering scores
and making the game more enjoyable.It is well known in professional golf how integral golf
fitness exercises are for success at the highest levels. The first principle to understand about
a fitness program is sports specific. Is there a difference between the LPGA player and
the amateur woman in relation to golf fitness training? The answer is no. Ever go
to the range and hit two buckets of balls? At some point the body starts
to tire, and shots scatter.Proper endurance training enables us to repeat a sound Nike Tn swing. He
travels the PGA Tour regularly working with professional golfers, most notably Masters and PGA Champion
Phil Mickelson. Remember, it is the body performing the biomechanics of the swing. Better Balance
equals a Better Swing. The end result is an improved swing equating to lower scores
and more enjoyment on the course.Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness
instructors in the world today. The second are exercises that create increased strength in the
core. Improving the balance and stabilization capabilities of the core translates into a better golf
swing. Men on the PGA Tour and women on the LPGA Tour understand the benefits
of golf fitness exercises in achieving success. Even subtle movements are consistency killers; thus we
need to develop and maintain balance for a consistent swing.Balance is connected to the efficiency
of the nervous system and strength of the muscular system working together. The development of
greater balance in the core and swing is the result of two types of specific
exercise. These are the actual physical components within the golfer a fitness program looks to
develop and enhance in relation to the golf swing.The swing requires the body to move
through a long range of motion for an efficient movement to occur. Power training is
the final component found in a golf fitness program for women.In summary a golf fitness
program for the LPGA or amateur woman golfer is relatively the same. The skeletal, muscular,
and neural systems are the same. In order for these two biomechanical actions to occur
efficiently, the development of proper flexibility in the core is necessary.We utilize flexibility exercises that
are cross-specific to the movements in the swing to develop flexibility. It has been well
documented in magazines and television how LPGA women such as Annika Sorenstam utilize fitness programs
to benefit their play on the course. The combination of these two types of exercises
permit for the body to maintain posture, promote efficient weight transfer, and create power in
the swing. Cross specificity training is the utilization of exercises to develop the woman golfer
in the positions, movements, and actions incorporated in the golf swing. The majority of these
flexibility exercises are rotational and dynamic.The swing is a dynamic movement, indicating that the body
is in constant motion. Sport specific training simply states the program utilized by the woman
athlete is geared towards improving them in their chosen sport.A second principle closely related to
sports specific training is cross specificity training. This is the second component included with a
golf fitness program.Remember that the golf swing is a repetitive movement. Increasing endurance leads to
lower scores. This is the third physical component of the golf fitness program for women.Club
head speed is a function of power. The first challenges the nervous system creating greater
efficiency. The exercises are cross-specific to the movements, positions, and requirements of the swing. The
professional player has the same number of muscles in their bodies as the amateur. We
have all hit balls at the range and know what happens when we do not
stay balanced during the swing. This article is to provide some answers for you on
the topic of golf fitness exercises for woman. Sports specific is a term describing the
type of training utilized in a golf fitness program. She may be able to create
a bigger shoulder turn, which may increase the distance of her drives. Granted the LPGA
player has more refined and efficient swing mechanics, but the body is the same.As a
result of the body being the same, the principles and structure of a golf fitness
program for any woman is similar. Flexibility is the first physical component requiring development within
the woman golfer.One needs to maintain, dynamically, a stable body throughout the entire swing. Specific
physical components within the body are needed within the body to execute the golf swing
correctly. To learn more about Sean and his golf fitness programs go to
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